So grateful to our community in Colombia -- who have hosted 4 Karma Kitchens right before the pandemic, translated various KindSpring 21-day challenge diaries into Spanish and have engaged hundreds of students in that process, and continue to build ripples.

Last week, Nipun visited again for a heart-opening time.  Gratitude to Julio, Adriana and Patricia at Colegiatura -- and Luz Ma, Alvaro, Enrique, Claudia, Ale and so many others who are pioneering new possibilities locally, and for spontaneous moments like this: 


KarunaNews: Japan Cafe, Staffed By Dementia Patients, Serves Mistaken Orders To Everyone's Delight

At the end of Week 2 of our 21-day interfaith compassion challenge, Tim Harrison, Associate Director of CBCT (Cognitively Based Compassion Training) at Emory University joined us as a guest speaker. His insights on compassion coupled with his first profound encounter with Dalai Lama deeply moved many in the call to tears.    

KarmaTube's video of the week: Anne Lamott: 12 Truths I Learned from Life and Writing.

Today's DailyGood: Willing to Be Dazzled

"I decided to visit my friend Aristotle, who lives in a house on a hill at the west end of the ranch. We sampled various kinds of cookies and sipped decaffeinated green tea, and we vented, kvetched, and rhapsodized, as we are prone to do. Mostly kvetched, if the truth be told. Aristotle just turned ninety, and I seek the wisdom of an elder from him, but he is too modest to admit he has acquired any. Somehow I found myself telling him a little about the sad history of my family of origin, how noisy my ghosts can be, and how even now, they are still angry and disappointed in me. I realize this theme comes up too often--I could imagine Monte getting bored and impatient, having heard it all many times before. But this was a new listener. I indulged myself in the telling. It was almost like sitting with a psychiatrist. Aristotle was sympathetic but a little baffled. "When will you finally believe what a good person you are?" he asked."... Cynthia Carbone shares more in this candid, thoughtful post. [Read more ...]

In a few hours, we are interviewing Rayna Dineen at Awakin Calls. She is founder of Reading Quest, a non-profit based in Santa Fe,that provides free structured literacy tutoring and social emotional skills to hundreds of undersupported, struggling young readers. Meeting Amma, the Indian "hugging saint" was a turning point in Rayna's life, that inspired her to a path of selfless service. Here is a short inspiring clip about their work -- 

And hosting the call is our volunteer Melissa Stephens, a big-hearted elementary school teacher for last 29 years. Every day at roll call, she looks into each student's eyes with a smile and whispers "I see you". In her own words, she is "excited and nervous about the call, which always feels like the best combo."  Join live here.

KarunaNews: Some 60,000 People Return From Prison Each Year. Her Program Is Now A Nationwide Model For Providing Second Chances

KarunaNews: A Berlin Bus Gets Lifted With The Help Of 40 People To Free A Young Man Pinned By A Rear Wheel

"Moonshot Pirates" has a youth challenge across 150 countries. The winning groups get a trip to the Silicon Valley! On that visit, their last stop? The Awakin Circle home in Santa Clara. Here's the group founder, Marko Londa, sharing on LinkedIn: 

In a week dominated by conversations about AI, tech, entrepreneurship, and moonshots, the most memorable one was about love and compassion.

With everything we do and every company we launch, we must aim to contribute to society. Approach life with love. That’s the real moonshot.

Thank you, ServiceSpace, for inspiring and sharing this important lesson.

#siliconvalley #moonshot #compassion

KarunaNews: He Visited Every Country Without Flying.

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