KarunaNews: 'You Can Always Start Again': The LA Restaurant Helping Refugees Resettle -- One Dish At A Time

This week's Awakin reading is by Mark Nepo titled 'The Practice Before The Practice':

From the moment we open our eyes, we are meaning-seeking creatures, looking for what matters though we carry what matters deep within us. And more than the hard-earned understandings we arrive at, more than the principles or beliefs we stitch together out of our experience, how we stay in relationship to the mysterious Whole of Life is what brings us alive and keeps us alive. Everyone knows firsthand that life is messy and painful, beautiful and unpredictable. The endless practice is keeping our heart open to the whole of it. And the journey of becoming who we were born to be never ends. It’s limitless, eternal. We don’t arrive—we grow. I believe and give my heart to the notion that spirituality is listening for and living into the soul’s place on Earth. A life of spirit, regardless of the path we choose, begins with a person’s acceptance that they are part ... [Read more]

Seed questions for reflection: How do you relate to the notion of ‘the practice before the practice’? Can you share an experience you’ve had of ‘the practice before the practice’? What helps you make deep progress?

What a kick-off to our 21-day Interfaith Challenge! Watch the clips here, from Rabbi Ariel Burger's stories to Wakanyi and Nina's moving songs!

Birju's latest Work + T newsletter is out -- money, values and more. :)

Headliner article is around Kegan's work on socialized mind (follow rules), self -authoring mind (my rules), self-transforming mind (many identities, many rules, many paradoxes). 

Also excited to see Cleona's interview as a feature!

So excited to start 21-Day Interfaith Compassion Challenge with 28 partnering organizations!

If you'd like to join folks from 60+ countries, sign up here.

In a weekend retreat organized by our Indian volunteers, a senior tech leader remarked at the end -- "I have been on many vacations and more recently -- stay-cations, work-cations, etc. But perhaps this is my first time doing what I may call a soul-cation."   

Well, what touches your soul, like that? The team thinks that when small acts of kindness start compounding in a space, it invokes a deep remembrance in each human being. More in this blog post here - 40 Strangers, 1 Circle, 1 Intelligence.   

And their next retreat "Crafting a New Story" is now accepting applications. 

KarmaTube's video of the week: A Cloud Never Dies.

KarunaNews: He Builds Houses From Invasive Seaweed And Then Gives Them Away

Some of you might remember the "Priceless Pricing" pod -- if not, check out Colin's insightful recap of the questions it raised. :)

The latest experiment is from Aurora ... "What’s the catch?"  And your answer, "There is no catch."

This is the first time I am offering my course under "Priceless Pricing" -- something I learned from ServiceSpace!  No financial contribution is required to join and participate in the six-week program. At the end of the program, you will have an opportunity to give financially any amount that feels good to you, from a little to infinity. The only requirements to join are an open heart, an open mind, the commitment to show up every week for the work, and the willingness to step into the sacred and joyful practice of deepening your own Wisdom while holding space for everyone else's.

Couple of stories from our KindSpring community this week ...

Kmbhai: Flood Relief Camp!
Distributed food and medicine to the victims of flood in the Ganga river. In my city, the Ganga river is flowing above the danger level. The villages surrounding Ganga river have flooded with water and the villagers have to move from their houses to stay on the roadside, They have ...

mindyjourney: 😊 Sharing The Harvest ...
Nary a tomato, but plenty of produce to share! Looks to be a bumper crop of acorn squash. Made pickled beets and freezer slaw. Chopped, shredded and froze the zucchini - and of course gave plenty away! Baked mini-loaves of sourdough bread with new “Jeannie” starter. Gardeners have been bringing their extra ...

myfbil: Afghans for veterans
I am working on afghans for veterans in a home... I hope to have 40 or more by Christmas for gifts to them. This is an almost daily task for me. If I fall short, I will try to get donations. ...

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