KarunaNews: Rescued Pup Gifted Custom Wheelchair

This week's most popular stories from our active KindSpring community ... 

greenurlifenow: Small Acts Of Kindness.
Yesterday, I gave a mini Chocolate Chip Banana Bread to a stranger who was sweeping up outside a business. And I gave some treats to my coworker yesterday, including a small biscuit and apple pie (from Popeyes chicken). And I have been making an effort to Say Hello or Good Morning to ...

DrJoe: Purchased A Meal For A Stranger Today
I called the wifey on my way home from work and asked her if she would like a sweet treat. I was in the drive thru to get her a chic-fil-a chocolate milkshake when the driver of the car in front of me got out of her vehicle and approached ...

TC: Kindness Matters ...
Kindness Matters I have written about Service Space before (July 28th – It Can Be Done). It is an organization that inspires me through many of their projects promoting acts of kindness. All the projects that Service Space offers are run by volunteers. I recommend doing ...

KarunaNews: Polish Women Pave All The Sidewalks In Their Village, As Council Failed To Do It

KarunaNews: Meet The 22nd Girl To Play In Little League World Series

KarunaNews: Art Therapy Offers Relief To Afghan Women Struggling With Mental Health

KarunaNews: Ocean Cleanup Group Removes Record 25,000 Pounds Of Trash From Great Pacific Garbage Patch In One Extraction

KarunaNews: São Paulo's Micro-houses Keeping Homeless Families Off The Streets

"I write a lot in Sacred Medicine about the paradoxes of healing and one of them is to be clear in your intention to heal, to do whatever's in your power to change your life, and go for it. And don't be passive, make it happen. Let go of attachment to outcomes, surrender to what is, accept the limitations that sometimes we're limited, we're not limitless. Sometimes just being able to accept those limitations creates like an opening of peace. That peace can actually calm the nervous system, which paradoxically can sometimes actually create the outcomes that we wanted in the first place that we can't get when we're revving our engines, grasping for our miracle." Lissa Rankin is a best-selling author, ob-gyn, linear thinker, and evidence-informed scientist. In the same breath, however, she also describes herself as a mystic -- an open-hearted, spiritually alive, empathic healer who has witnessed countless miracles of healing and has also experienced them firsthand herself. More in this in-depth interview. [Full Story]

KarunaNews: Why The Staff Of Europe's Most Valuable Company Is Getting 'Climate Training'

KarunaNews: Thousands Of Stem Cell Donors Sign Up To Help Liverpool Baby

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