KarunaNews: Maui Locals Funnel Supplies To Fire Survivors

KarunaNews: After 60 Years Of Service, Wyoming School Building To Be Renamed After Custodian

After his Pod experience, a podmate shared his favourite quote in Quaker faith in his gratitude:

The humble, meek, merciful, just, pious, and devout souls are everywhere of one religion; and when death has taken off the mask they will know one another, though the diverse liveries they wear here makes them strangers. This world is a form; our bodies are forms; and no visible acts of devotion can be without forms. But yet the less form in religion the better, since God is a Spirit; for the more mental our worship, the more adequate to the nature of God; the more silent, the more suitable to the language of a Spirit. --William Penn, 1963 


KarunaNews: This Greek Island Is The First In The World With Zero Waste

KarunaNews: Nigerian Upcycling Artist Creates Portraits From Waste

Rev. Bonnie Rose interviews Nipun for Ventura TV.  Yes, that's right -- TV!

KarunaNews: Even Opera Is Going Net-Zero

As we were settling down on the couch with our morning tea, a beautiful conversation took place between Arundada and Audrey, in his 2019 visit to the US. Here are some glimpses of the conversation, as I tried hard to translate what was transpiring between the two :)

Audrey: How did Vinoba lead?

Arun dada: Vinoba did not lead, he did what organically appeared in front of him. He was anarambhi - someone who does his duty in the world with complete non-attachment. In Patanjali yogasutra it is the ‘cessation of fluctuation in consciousness’, a state of consciousness where nothing arises nor passes away – a state without a beginning.

[Read full post by Jignasha here]

KarunaNews: 'Old Ladies' Welcome: Senior Swimmers Clean Up Cape Cod's Ponds

Presence Brewer writes after the recent Awakin Call with Ali Mahlodji: What a grand honor to bask in the wisdom of the experience that life has delivered to Ali. 

Ali’s story paints the picture of what is possible when, after each hardship, each rejection, each struggle, each seeming setback we turn inside to connect to that which is really meant for us to do. Rather than live in the storyline of pain that difficulties like these could create, Ali transformed being a refugee, a stutterer, a school dropout, and, major professional burnout and illness, into the fuel that fires a life dedicated to building a world where everyone can be what and who they want to be.

In the call, Ali shares wisdom on mistakes, working from the platform of self, how to recover from burnout, how to tap into your “yes,” how to resolve loneliness, how to build bridges through difference, how to handle retirement, the importance of equality, how to treat this world like a playground, and how to know how much is enough.

Read Presence's summary, or watch clips or soak in the recording of the call with Ali Mahlodji here

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