Wilder Humber: Restoring Coastal Ecosystems

Pollution and human influences have caused significant coastal degradation along the Humber, a tidal estuary in northeastern England. "Without experiencing it, it means nothing. If you have experienced it, you'll understand - why it needs saving and protecting", said Caroline Carr, a local.

Watch this touching video, which illustrates the biodiversity at the Humber Estuary - and shares how wild seagrass is "the unsung hero" of ecosystem restoration efforts. 

How to Avoid Reaching a Boiling Point

Robert Glazer describes a failure to communicate clear and precise ground rules and boundaries up front around a shared backyard. Fear of confrontation as time went on prevented him from seizing opportunities to clarify intentions and social norms. Consequently, a seemingly simple situation turned into an awkward eruption and ended the possibility of friendship. He cautions that “addressing problems promptly and with candor not only can prevent a boiling point moment, but it also strengthens our relationships and builds trust.” [Read more ...]

Dr. Ariyaratne: A Legacy of Service and Inspiration (1938-2024)

For more than 60 years, and with a deep spiritual foundation, Dr. Ari dedicated himself to the upliftment of millions of Sri Lankans. Called, "the Gandhi of Sri Lanka", he founded Sarvodaya, a unique non-governmental organization that has mobilized more than 15,000 villages to organize for self-governance. “We build the road, and the road builds us" is Sarvodaya's slogan, a testament to Dr. Ari's practice of treating all as equals.

For a glimpse into Dr. Ari's heart of service, watch the talk he gave during an Awakin Circle.

Get Your Greens From A Vending Machine That Grows Veggies

An Israeli startup is reimagining the vending machine. The Produce Integrated Cultivation Instrument (PICI) houses small nutrient rich seed pods that can grow a variety of vegetables--reducing food waste and providing a cost effective way to increase access to healthy foods.

Read the full story about this innovation here.

This week's Awakin reading is by Michael Gordon titled 'Longer Ladders Don't Get You To The Moon':

And we're excited that he'll be at tonight's virtual Awakin Santa Clara Circle. Join here!

Seed questions for reflection: How do you relate to the need for new principles for evolving our economic thinking? Can you share a personal story of a time you discovered new principles to make a non-incremental leap in your endeavor? What helps you listen deeply to discover new principles?

Roger, Overly Playful Dog Who Failed Police Academy, Becomes Star Of Taiwan Quake Response

Roger, a labrador retriever in Taiwan, was too "restless and independent" to become a narcotic detection dog -- but what were seen as detrimental in one line of work are truly valued in another. Roger has become "the pride of Taiwan" for his service during earthquake rescue operations. 

Read his full story here.

'Planting A Tree Is Hope In Action': The People Regenerating Urban Habitats And Growing Community

In Australian cities, re-wilding projects are cultivating  camaraderie and community. They're also helping to restore local ecosystems. “People want to be custodians for their local environment. Friends groups can help facilitate and encourage that desire; that need. In fact, more than ever we need opportunities to connect with our planet and each other,” said environmental advocate Stephen Northey.

Read the full story here.

He Biked From Spain To Singapore. The Kindness Of Strangers Kept Him Going.

In 2020, Andrew Mortenson accepted a voluntary exit package and left his job with a large airline. He began his journey across 37 countries and, fueled by curiosity and kindness, completed it early in 2024.

Of the big-hearted people he encountered, Andrew says, “it feels so wildly different from the world we see in the news right now. Their continued grace towards this complete stranger is a powerful reminder of that common refrain — there's a lot more that connects us, than divides us.”

Read the full story here.

How to Reboot After Disappointment at Work

"You might experience disappointment at work in many ways: a long-term project does not come to fruition, a new position opens up and you don’t get it, or your hard work does not pay off. Faced with a sense of loss and disappointment, we have no choice but to respond." Greater Good Magazine outlines three practices with relevant research that can personally alchemize a setback into possibility. Through paying attention to our internal dialogue and applying positive affirmations, exploring uncharted territories within our mindsets, and asking big questions, our responses to unmet expectations can be doorways into moments of grace, learning, resilience and transformation. [Read more ...]

Touching stories from our KindSpring community ...

Mindyjourney: Catch Up 🕊️
Hello, kind friends! We are back from our winter Texas recharge. Grateful for every moment and memory. Attended the Whooping Crane Fest and saw over a dozen of the highly endangered birds! Enjoyed a lecture by George Archibald, co-founder of the International Crane Foundation  [Read more here...]

Tulikaruchi: Moving From Deficiency to Offerings
Spoke to my cousin for 3 hours. He is going through a difficult breakup and his anxiety was acting up. Through the conversation, helped him feel things he was not allowing himself to feel but also shift  [Read more here...]

Rajni: Three Days Of Kindness ...
Three days of Kindness (March 19-21, 2024) Gave some quote cards , Sri Ram’s photos to Utthan. Gave some quote cards, Shri Ram Photos and positive thinking books to my Divine sister. Again, made and gave shiro for sick old lady At the bank, kept door open for customers  [Read more here...]

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