Couple of stories from our KindSpring community this week ...

drjoybug: Hello All. Good Whatever ...
Hello all. Good whatever time of day it is by you Kindnesses this week ..Paid for lunch for a friend. .. pleasantly passed the time of day with another woman in the waiting room. [Read more...]

lt33: Act Of Kindness I ...
Act of kindness I was at the vending machine at the mall waiting to pick up my brother from work and this little boy probably around age 10 came up to me hey do you have 4 quarters for $1? I knew I might have had a little change left [Read more...]

Mish: 🍿❤️ Popcorn Kindness
One of our neighbor-friends knows hubby loves popcorn 🍿 (Skinny Pop popcorn)….when we returned home yesterday we found a bag on our porch….with no note , but we knew right away who it was from :) 😊 Hubby wrote this ditty & sent it to her : 🍿 “Somebody dropped a bag ... [Read more...]