Inner Alchemy: The Path Of Discernment, Self Mastery, And Transformation
Inner Alchemy: The Path Of Discernment, Self Mastery, And Transformation Like ancient alchemists who sought to transmute lead into gold, Zulma Reyo aims to help individuals transmute aspects of their beings back into light, helping us see that the philosopher's stone has been within us all along. Her Inner Alchemy framework, drawn from multiple Eastern and Western spiritual and esoteric traditions as well as psychotherapeutic and healing approaches, offers practical tools and processes for transforming and mastering our inner selves, vibrating our material bodies at higher frequencies in alignment with the vibrations of our original light Source. Zulma's teachings - now developed as a formal offering via gifted multi-year programs at School of Consciousness in Mallorca, Spain - incorporate a theory of energy and matter beyond the platitudes of "love and light". She encourages us to embrace all aspects of the self and to harness, rather than repress, the wounded, lower vibratory, or unhealed parts, alchemically transforming them into their highest versions. Read more and RSVP for the upcoming Awakin Call with Zulma here. |
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