Songs That Moved Us This Winter

Smita Navare, Feb 4, 2023 in MBL Retreats

In Odia, Shailen offered an original composition -- Going Home From the Market:


To close the 1-day gathering of change-makers in Punjab, Sonu sang a beautiful song evoking the true village values:


At Karma Yog retreat, Monica spontaneously crafted a new poem: Huddled Like Fireflies.


With birds chirping in his Pune balcony, Neerad sang a Gujarati song about holding space.


Plus bootleg version of Nipun-bhai singing Ochintu :) ...


This can’t be counted as a song at Panchshakti retreat, but it sort of is. :)


Even with a sore throat, Wakanyi gave voice to a song from her  mother’s Kenyan village.


Larry sang Gratitude – with sacred tears.


Radhika evoked Bulle Shah.


Michael Penn led us in a group song that his grandmother used to sing as a slave: O Freedom 


Bhumika’s closing chant at Gandhi 3.0 retreat:

“May the love we share here spread its wings, Fly across the earth, And sing a song to every soul, That is alive. May the blessing of your grace my Lord, Shine on every one, And may we all see the light within, The light within. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. May all the beings of all the worlds be happy.”


And Jin Wei (from Poland) and Jin Chuan (from US and Taiwan) remarkably sang a Gujarati prayer, with the nuanced translation listed below:


May the sacred stream of kindness, flow forever in my heart.
May all beings flourish,This is my eternal wish.
May the sight of living virtue, move my heart to dance.
May my life be an offering, to their generosity. 

May the sight of pain and suffering, bring trembles to my heart.
May my eyes soft with compassion, rain tears of empathy.
May I offer to show the way, for seekers who have lost their path.
And if they ignore my offering, may I rest in equanimity.

May the spirit of loving kindness, flow forever in our hearts.
May we purify our hearts from hatred, and sing in harmony.