This week's most popular stories from our active KindSpring community ... 

greenurlifenow: Small Acts Of Kindness.
Yesterday, I gave a mini Chocolate Chip Banana Bread to a stranger who was sweeping up outside a business. And I gave some treats to my coworker yesterday, including a small biscuit and apple pie (from Popeyes chicken). And I have been making an effort to Say Hello or Good Morning to ...

DrJoe: Purchased A Meal For A Stranger Today
I called the wifey on my way home from work and asked her if she would like a sweet treat. I was in the drive thru to get her a chic-fil-a chocolate milkshake when the driver of the car in front of me got out of her vehicle and approached ...

TC: Kindness Matters ...
Kindness Matters I have written about Service Space before (July 28th – It Can Be Done). It is an organization that inspires me through many of their projects promoting acts of kindness. All the projects that Service Space offers are run by volunteers. I recommend doing ...