Couple of stories from our KindSpring community this week ...

Kmbhai: Flood Relief Camp!
Distributed food and medicine to the victims of flood in the Ganga river. In my city, the Ganga river is flowing above the danger level. The villages surrounding Ganga river have flooded with water and the villagers have to move from their houses to stay on the roadside, They have ...

mindyjourney: 😊 Sharing The Harvest ...
Nary a tomato, but plenty of produce to share! Looks to be a bumper crop of acorn squash. Made pickled beets and freezer slaw. Chopped, shredded and froze the zucchini - and of course gave plenty away! Baked mini-loaves of sourdough bread with new “Jeannie” starter. Gardeners have been bringing their extra ...

myfbil: Afghans for veterans
I am working on afghans for veterans in a home... I hope to have 40 or more by Christmas for gifts to them. This is an almost daily task for me. If I fall short, I will try to get donations. ...