What a joy to journey with so many people from around the planet -- for our 21-day Interfaith Compassion Challenge. Collectively, we wrote almost a 4000-page living textbook, with our personal stories, stories and practices. Wow.

For a small glimpse, here's the video clips from our closing call!

Leigh's reflections mirror how so many felt ... 

What stays with me is the learning about things I do not know about and letting go of my assumptions of what they are opens up a new beautiful world. Also, that there is so much that ties all the traditions together and when I see the continuity versus the disparity, it feels better being in the world. It's a very life affirming experience without pretending there are no hardships.

I'll carry with me admiration for peoples deep generousity of time and spirit. I will carry with me the intention and practice of expanding my compassion to myself and others even if it's slow progress. I will carry with me that when I can stop and see a pattern that's not serving and make a new choice it can open up the world and make it better for me and the people I experience in the world.

What a great opportunity and experience this has been. Thank you so much for the interfaith Challenge.

Thank you, all!