Trishna in London writes ...

We offer a deep bow of gratitude to Jin Chuan and Jin Wei for holding space for all of us with such grace, presence and wisdom at today's retreat, and for the thoughtfulness with which they curated an incredibly nourishing weeklong learning journey. Many of us will  continue to deepen our understanding of the virtues and most importantly how to practice them in our day-to-day interactions.

Many people shared that today was the most at ease and relaxed they have felt in the presence of monastics and how much they were able to learn and take away as a result of the warm and friendly interactions, the way they held space and how honest and human they both were in what they shared. It's truly a testament to the community and lineage that Jin Chuan and Jin Wei are a part of in California, which is rooted in humility and builds bridges with its surrounding ecosystem in the spirit of service and generosity.