A reflection from Mia ...

This last week was filled with multiple funerals, multiple hospital visits, a major presentation, and family drama. Going into it, I had a feeling of overwhelm. So much pain, suffering; pressure; uncertainty. How would I enter?

I took some extra breaths and told myself, "Just be Mia - no more, no less." Show up and be present. And, as my Buddhist grandmother taught me -- "Be kind. Don't hurt people."

Looking back on the week, I realize that it was a profoundly powerful gift.

I've had the honor of bearing witness to individuals striving to do their best with the wisdom, resources, and emotions they possess. So much strength even as some carried so much grief. Wow. I've been granted access to the most intimate spaces of pain and grief, where emotions run deep. To exchange and be accepted in such a manner, often without the need for words, was a truly humbling experience.

During a time when we are inundated by images and stories of suffering and separation, these shared human experiences strengthen my heart, and my resolve. I realize too that whatever the situation -- good, bad, or indifferent -- I can choose to be present and kind. No need for overwhelm.

One breath, one step at a time.