Kathrin, a ServiceSpace volunteer in Austria, is serving local projects in Gautemala and was quite moved to see their flavor of 'heartivism' recently.

"This journey was all about cultivating peace from the inside out, as I have wittnessed indigenous people saying no to coruption and supression after 300 years in a very peacefull way," said Kathrin.

"They recently had elections and very suprisingly a man won, who is supporting the Mayans and their ancient culture a lot. His dad already did as a president 50 years ago helping them coming out of slavery. The other party, which lost, had contested the election result and out of that they started to block the roads. Over some weeks it was like a lockdown situation in certain areas. How the Mayans were blocking the roads deeply touched me." 

See photos of these very special cermonies for peace below.