Today's DailyGood: Kinship is a Verb

"In thinking about kinship, I think its important to begin with, What are the boundaries of our kin? We can go way internal and microscopic, down to the nerves that actually inform our brain more than our brain informs our bodies, right down to the microbes, not only managing our health but informing our way of being and interacting with the world. Then [we can go] all the way out, right to our own families, to the human and greater-than-human world, out to the cosmosthe fact that were made of stardust, right? Kinship reaches very far." John Hausdoerffer, Robin Wall Kimmerer, and Gavin Van Horn, are the coeditors of the five-volume series 'Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations.' More in this conversation between the trio. [Read more ...]