From Me To We: True Love Is A Process Of Humility by Thich Nhat Hanh

A community of people walking together on a spiritual path has a great deal of strength; its members are able to protect each other, to help each other in every aspect of the practice, and to build the strength of the community.  There are many things that are very difficult for us to do on our own, but when we live together as community, they become easy and natural. We do them without growing tired or making a strenuous effort. The community has a collective energy. Without this energy, the practice of individual transformation is not easy. When we live together in community it becomes a body, and each one of us is a cell in that body. If we are not part of the community body, we will be isolated, hungry, and needy, and we will not have a suitable environment for practice. We can visualize the community body as ... [Read more]

Seed questions for reflection: How do you relate to the notion that community building is the most precious work a monk, nun or layperson can do? Can you share a personal story of a time you were able to appreciate the insight and vision of the collective body of the community? What helps you build awareness that you are a cell in the community body?