Peace Pole, London Retreat, and More Ripples...

"...our actions may seem like just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made up of many such drops."

Nearly 70 years ago, Masami Saionji found her calling: use the power of prayer to heal yourself, and the world. From that calling, ripples of peace and compassion have flowed outward. One of the first projects Masami started was planting of peace poles – a physical pole, with “May Peace Prevail on Earth” inscribed on all four sides.

Last month, some friends of ServiceSpace planted a Peace Pole at the University of Roehampton as part of a Spreading Kindness campaign and served as a plenary speakers at the Susanna Wesley Foundation's annual conference to discuss the Peace Pole project. 

"It takes all our diverse expressions of oneness to create a thriving world ... It takes everyone’s divine spark". (Read more about Masami's amazing work and its continuation today here.)

For more inspiration, watch this brief video of highlights, including the planting of a peace pole, during a special Awakin Retreat in Surrey (England) last year.