'The Eagle And The Chicken':

A fable is told about an eagle that thought he was a chicken. When the eagle was very small, he fell from the safety of his nest. A chicken farmer found the eagle, brought him to the farm, and raised him in a chicken coop among his many chickens. The eagle grew up doing what chickens do, living like a chicken, and believing he was a chicken. A naturalist came to the chicken farm to see if what he had heard about an eagle acting like a chicken was really true. He knew that an eagle is king of the sky. He was surprised to see the eagle strutting around the chicken coop, pecking at the ground, and acting very much like a chicken. The farmer explained to the naturalist that this bird was no longer an eagle. He was now a chicken because he had been trained to be a ... [Read more]

Seed questions for reflection: How did you relate to the notion of taking away the easy reminders of our past conditioning in order to help us be truer to our authentic selves? Can you share a personal story of a time you took away contextual reminders in order to step into a strength you always had? What helps you realize what's trapping you from spreading your authentic wings?