Gentle Art of Blessing

"I bless this day in the infinite opportunities it gives me to love: to love and bless every human I meet, every beast or bird I pass by, every plant I behold, for all are but the manifold expressions of the infinite Life that undergirds all" - Pierre Pradervand.

Pierre Pradervand's love for human beings shined brightly throughout his life and work, which took him to 40 countries around the world. He devoted his life to social justice efforts visiting people in prison, providing personal and spiritual development coaching, and authoring 23 books to support the advancement of people's spiritual paths. As an independent celebrant, he also officiated ceremonies for weddings, births, funerals, and other significant events. He also shared a message for the world that, "Love can heal absolutely everything".

Pierre joined us for an Awakin Call a few years ago. View the recording here