Dancing With Parkinsons

Dancing With Parkinsons

Recently, James O’Dea and Nipun Mehta held an impromptu and heart-opening Awakin Call. James, who embodies the places where mysticism meets activism, has always been a champion for bridging the inner and outer worlds. In this conversation between old friends, James' current dance with Parkinson’s provides the context for reflections ranging from issues facing humanity at this time to “luminous doorways” of collaboration and deep spiritual renewal. As James shared,

"In the cause of unity and love, say to each person: your light shines in me." 

The video clips, like the one about moving from "Me to We to Us" and also James' suggestions for caregivers, capture some special moments and stories from the call. Yet, they simply cannot replace the vibrational energy or full-body experience of the call. If you have the space for it, please consider giving yourself the gift of experiencing the full call -- hearing their voices and words flow -- so as to allow yourself to tune in to the ineffable space between words. Then, perhaps consider returning to the distinct video clips as a beautiful way to home in on some the themes that emerged during the conversation.