You are invited to a special circle of change-makers and educators
on Dec 10th at 2PM, with our guest speaker
Nipun Mehta.
Today's societal ills no longer arise from simple, linear causes and hence, our traditional, generalized solutions are proving to be grossly ineffective. Our increasingly complex world, with interlocking causes and effects, is an entirely different landscape. We are now more at risk for obesity than starvation. We are more like to commit suicide than be killed in conflict. Despite all our new technologies, solving problems like global warming and rising inequality remain elusive. The systemic, social and spiritual divides are at all-time highs. And yet, as Peter Drucker wisely points out, "The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence -- it is to act with yesterday's logic."
How would you innovate and deepen social change? What design emerge when we consider social change from the lens of inner transformation?
We are delighted to hear from
Nipun Mehta, who has, for the last 20 years, leveraged
volunteerism to create a global movement towards a culture of generosity. From creating online projects that reach millions to create offline circles in dozens of countries,
ServiceSpace is an incubator of numerous projects organized around an ancient principle that feels radical in today's climate:
sustainable external impact is predicated on inner change. That the "success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervenor."
You're all invited, to help co-create a space with other change-makers who are boldly experimenting with a new logic, to ask different questions: how do we reinvent organizations to shift from
ego-system to eco-system? What are deeper metrics that "
count what counts"? If
markets crowd out morals, how do we sustain social change with non-financial
forms of capital? To counter "empathy fatigue" (burnout), can we amplify
compassion quotient? The potential is limitless.
To join on Dec 10th, simply RSVP below, and you'll be emailed the logistical details as we get closer.