Last week, 90 of us circled up in a virtual dialogue in the face of our global pandemic:
How Does A Heart Of Service Respond?
On the coattails of all the collective insight that
poured forth -- we're holding a second dialogue to further the conversation!
On March 31st @8AM PST, to deepen and broaden the dialogue (across more
timezones! :)), we're circling up again to dialogue, brainstorm, and tune into ways we can show up with a heart of service, and rise to the creative calls of our shared humanity in these unique days. To join,
RSVP below.
As background, our initial
invitation read:
Uncertain times raise significant questions that can shape our future. Carbon emissions have dropped dramatically, but xenophobia is rising. Government surveillance is increasing, while global scientist cooperation is going up. Nursing homes are being evacuated, only to bring elders home to their families. Shopping malls are empty, but family meals are on the rise. Awakening of compassion is pervasive, but the inequality of human suffering is evident. "Social distancing" is a trending phrase, but in Italy neighbors lean out of their windows to sing songs together. Borders are still present, but the boundaries of our shared humanity are getting blurry. Yes, undercurrents of fear are everywhere, but so are prayers. Jack Kornfield recently shared, "The virus isn't happening to us; it's happening for us." As we revise our collective narrative, we are invited to step into our highest aspirations and serve this inflection point in history.
In that first virtual dialogue, we heard from luminaries from medicine to economics, disaster resiliency to systems thinking, interfaith ministers to a Buddhist monk to educators, engineers, community builders, and more. A few quotes: “We are ordinary people called to do sacred work." "What if we are sacred people becoming ordinary? Small acts matter." "Can this be a turning point of global solidarity?" "We are being called to shift our way of thinking to ‘what can we do
right now to help people in the state?" "How do we collectively serve?" "What can you do to affect the whole, when you are behind your own door?" "How can we apply our learnings to the next challenge and get through it together with wisdom?"
The insight also surfaced creative innovations to serve. Vipul said to friends, "I'm here
to listen," which rippled into a virtual mindful listening space. Paul invited us all to collect stories of generosity.
Radha offered: "What is the role of prayer?" Xiao
hosting a 21-day "Responding To Coronavirus Challenge" to foster connection and cultivation. Avni wondered about creating a buddy system between youth and elders. Just after our call, Pankaj sent an email offering support to his neighborhood, to which others
echoed the spirit of offering. And Prabu
and Lakshmi documented
learnings to share with family and friends.
It seems that this pandemic has amplified our conviction in moving forward with wisdom, a heart of service and a mind towards awakening. We look forward to diving into this global video call, and seeing what emergence holds in store!
To join (or to receive the recording), RSVP below, and we'll send details as we get closer!