Laddership Breakout: Designing for Values
On Wednesday, May 20th @8AM PDT (convert time), you're invited to a "Designing for Values" design brainstorm call with labor-of-love visionaries holding questions like:
  • How do we cultivate an organization or community fueled by compassion? What design elements enable a system to put values like kindness, gratitude and service into greater circulation?
  • What metrics optimize for transformation? Traditional measures of success optimize for impact or profit. How do we design for ripple effects of love, compassion, and service? What are my creative constraints?
  • How do we scale at the pace of our conditions? What's the right equation of traditional modes of funding vs. multiple forms of capital experiments? What organizing principles can hold a spectrum of values?
We'll be diving into labor-of-love experiments of Sallyann and Lucas, with further insights from "priceless pricing" visionary Bonnie as well as finance alchemizer Birju!

When our Spring Laddership Circles began, Sallyann in London officially launched her 3-year-old labor-of-love, Bow-Wowza, as a non-profit. The joyous digital platform supports youth to cultivate mental and emotional wellbeing -- through a convergence of storytelling, games, and talking dogs. :) How to design this platform, team and community with compassion as an organizing principle?

Similarly, for two years, Lucas in France has been weaving Voices of Gaia (VoG), a multimedia library and platform that creates opportunities to realize our intrinsic connectedness, hear the "voice of Gaia" speaking through us and to us, and contribute to the liberating potential of the natural beauty of life. What design principles can nurture a gift-based social field around this project?

We'll also hear from special guest, Bonnie Rose from California, on her range of kindred experiments. A laddership alumnus, interfaith minister, and "priceless pricing" visionary, she's transformed her interfaith church into a community of heartivists, who have collectively unleashed a pay-it-forward bookstore, Kindness Ministry, and so much more! A former actress and nurse, with a deep connection to animals, her humor, wit, and irreverent wisdom lights up any room -- even during physically distanced church service!