Dear Friends,
We were delighted to host an intimate circle with Virginia (aka Ginny) and Duane Drotar on Thursday May 25th, 2021.
To be informed of the next circle with them, please RSVP here and we will send you an update when the next gathering is confirmed.
This open-hearted couple are the stewards and founders of Shadowbrook, a budding, transformative experiment in community-building, based in Ohio. Shadowbrook is meant for people of all means, and from all backgrounds, "where silence and shadow work, mutual exchange and justice re-birthing, and whole person wellness and service, intersect." Shadowbrook's guiding intention as they see it is, "to organize our particular gifts and expertise into a collective activity that would benefit each other as well as the world at large. We would act as both incubator and sanctuary, inviting others desiring to contribute, during this time of social distance and separation, to a collective experiment that courageously takes steps to create the culture of connection that has eluded us."
In upcoming circles Ginny (who is also a DailyGood volunteer), and Duane will speak further about their shared journey, aspirations and plans for Shadowbrook.
RSVP here if you'd like to join, and you'll receive updates by email.
Wishing you well in all ways,
Pavi, on behalf of DailyGood