Lessons from 12 Years On The Road: In Conversation with Chris Carrington
Dear Friends,

We're delighted to invite you to an intimate circle with Pat Benincasa in conversation with Chris Carrington.

Tuesday, March 30th 10AM -11:30AM PDT

Chris Carrington is a vibrant seventy-five-year old with an unusual life trajectory that includes selling antiques, hitchhiking through Europe, feeding and swimming with injured manatees, and living in a commune. She's also a reader of DailyGood :) After retiring from an illustrious career as a health inspector, Chris decided to sell her home and take to the open road. For 12 years she traveled the United States in her camper-- up until the global pandemic took hold.

Tuesday's circle will afford the opportunity to hear reflections and insights from Chris's unusual life journey --what led her to the road, what kept her there for so many years, and what it was like to transition from a traveling lifestyle -- to lockdown mode. In conversation with Chris will be Pat Benincasa....

More about Pat? She's a visual artist, a first-generation Italian-American and storytelling holds a compelling place in her DNA. She is also the host of "Fill to Capacity," a budding podcast series featuring conversations that veer off into the realm of life stories, insights, mistakes, joys and lessons learned and unlearned. Each episode ignites a spontaneous alchemy of shared experiences to reframe how we walk in uncertain times.

We look forward to the possibility of having you with us.