--by All Of Us :)
[During our call, after Dacher Keltner's inspiring talk, all of us shared chat messages on what brought us awe. Below is a word cloud of the most common words, followed by responses from some of us.]
JQ: Sunsets
SM: I can't believe Dacher is here!!! I'm in awe!
MDG: movement, nature, music
TK: Sunset at the lake near my home
LK: the sky
MB: the ocean
JR: laughter of children
JW: Nature and humankindness
RD: the ocean
ES: Knowing that every atom in my body was forged in a star
SV: Sunrises
JW: clouds
LB: The way my body feels in morning sunshine, that uplifting sense, each time
RM: Everything well and truly seen.
SB: Morning, sunrises
PK: See the image in my background - saltwater of the Salish Sea
SM: children
PH: the mountains
HW: seeing flowers danced by the wind,
JAG: Beauty, Music, Nature
SD: A flower. A tree.
AA: Old trees with moss
TJi: the way my life has been unfolding
CN: when people sing together
GA: love 💕💕💕💕
LPG: rainbows, holding a newborn, a butterfly nearby
KK: Stars, seeing all our faces across the world
EK: Seeing the moon lit up at night - always brings a pause.
LD: unexpected encounters with the fox and bobcat who live on my road
SN: My daughter.
RD: Staring up into the night skies, or into our recently adopted puppies' eyes brings me awe
LZ: Redwood Trees
MRA: People smiling
GS: the universe and all its magic
CC: The sound of laughter!
SS: Walking in the redwoods. Sitting by the ocean
DN: 🌳 trees! Mountains
MD: the power of belief
TH: being with my parents
LZ: Sunsets
SS: Waterfalls and sunsets
ML: this experience
JAG: Harmony in Music, especially in choral groups
WH: Nature and its ability to self renew
SG: smiles , even when suffering
LZ: Whales
LN: Seeing whales, dolphins, osprey, and looking into my grandson's eyes
CAT: Being in and close to nature and all of my beloved ones human, plant, animal and All that is
MRN: the natural world brings me awe... also music, art. Tenderness in humans. Animals.
EA: children playing
MH: Imaging of deep space from the Webb telescope.
ML: What brings me awe is the never ending wonder of nature.
GD: The trees and stars
CL: the sea, whales, soul friendships
SN: Nature, people, genuine laughter
DM: being here with all of you - that opening minute of silence and chanted prayer.
RM: Fathers and daughters together!!
RS: remembrance of beauty, and wonder
BS: Nature
PA: When I take a moment to stop and really SEE what is in front of me.
PH: what i think of as serendipity is really inter-connectedness
KR: children at play
JN: The breeze, damp earth.
JJ: The fleeting presence of hummingbirds on my geranium plants on the patio. They always make my heart take flight.
J: Nature People Stars
SP: noticing the complex lives of insects in the yard - a caterpillar climbing a hidden thread from the ground to a branch high above, for example
LK: life in nature
CR: Stillness near water…the lakes I hike by, the oceans I visit, the streams moving past me when I visit the mountains.
KR: People showing up at just the right moment
SN: moon light, mist, cloud, birds
AR: seeing others pain while ourselves are in pain
JC: Seeing the diversity of the group sharing freely personal views.
GD: Creativity and connection
MD: The ordinary moments of connectiveness
MU: Life brings awe in every moment when there are no expectations of it. This call brings awe 🙏🏽💙
AS: nature....being with the trees and hearing the birds
KR: The sea
AD: stars and the milky way
SC: ladybugs, spider webs, trees, all birds…sunsets…clouds, what doesn’t give us awe when we truly pause?
L: Waves, birds, slugs,
MC: sea movements
E: the night sky
RVM: Love!!!
MW: That there are over 200 of us on this call
HM: Compassionate act towars disadvantage animal or human
EM: storms
AR: Night sky wonder
VT: kindness where we least expected : )
SJ: the red sun rising above the horizon, time slows in those moments
EH: All Your faces Here Today, All with Compassionate Eyes and Smiles Beyond Miles.
LK: the gift of being alive
Lz: Planet Earth, Cosmos
LF: Moments of beauty in nature and extraordinary acts of kindness
SS: Caterpillars transforming into butterflies
DM: Interconnectedness
RT: Interspecies compassion among other creatures. They are our teachers.
FR: cutting open an apple and knowing I am the first and ONLY person to EVER see the insides of this particular apple.! Sometimes I am moved to tears
AS: loving touch and sharing deep secrets and shame as a transformative practice
MK: soul response from my cat
SA: great masters and their teachings
MV: Child’s smile
L: This Compassion Pod!
EA: Conversing at a deep level brings me into a state of awe - the first words in each online conversation in Service Space brings me into a state of awe.
DC: the ocean waves
LH: when my kids do something that is delightfully, uniquely… them, and also thoughtful and compassionate
GS: relaxing 😎
BN: Nature beautiful sunsets, mountains, animals connecting with one another beautiful flowers compassion between people
DM: Resonance
K: the sky networks of trees and rivers and the smell of my daughters' head when they were small
JR: as I read, I find myself thinking yes, yes, yes :)
SKM: Traveling & experiencing new ways of life :-)
NB: Love
RM: The beautiful bug-creature on my screen door!!
AR: tiny creatures (insects, frogs, etc)
HM: Spiritual music beautiful sight of nature, poem
RDO: The beauty of nature
G: Sacred geometry and design
PA: vulnerability
RP: BEING in the presence of others BEING their best
LK: zoom, technology,creation and humn creations
RS: Sunrises and Sunsets over the ocean.
RD: the breath of spirit
DJ: children animals wind sun strangers art in everything
TW: mountains ,snow on the top calm river and the birds
SA: to wonder at the many gifts that humans all beings being to my awareness, an opera, a skating routine, a pounce upon preay by the owl with liftoff on the spreading of the vast wings
E: the human voice
EAr: Watching the trees sway in the breeze brings me into a state of awe
V: moments of true presence
BB: A seed holding the complete picture of life
ME: Old trees and bees
MM: Connection beyond words
S: that information from Dacher, it evoked tears of awe
MK: Dacher, A deep bow of gratitude
WSP: Reading this list.