Interfaith Compassion Call, Week 2

As we round the bend of Interfaith Compassion Pod's first week together, we're coming together to connect with each other and celebrate our shared universal values. Our opening call and last week's reunion buoyed us into deeper connection, and we hope you can join us this weekend as you round the corner to the end of our challenge! 

Among our special guests are Tim Harrison from Emory University's Compassion Center, who will about his profound encounter with Dalai Lama and pioneering the science of compassion; and Yuka Saionji, who is not only a leader of Japan's Byakko Shinko Kai movement but also had a profound personal practice of praying for a thousand people every day while growing up; and a whole lot more including a Hindu chant from a yoga-teacher in Los Angeles, Pranidhi Varshney!

To attend, simply click the RSVP button below and receive the information about the call logistics online and by email. In case the time doesn't work in your part of the world, do still RSVP to receive the call recording.

Thank you for co-creating such a sacred space of interfaith compassion!