Interfaith Compassion: Closing Celebration

For the last 21 days, people from dozens of countries around the globe have convened to deep-dive into interfaith practices of compassion!  Every day featured a unique faith, with related "hands" practice, "head" insights from scripture, and "heart" music and art. Collectively spanning thousands of reflective posts and interactions, we embraced different faiths and practices -- and each other's hearts -- to discover an underlying river of compassion flowing underneath it all. We expanded, we stretched, we discovered. And for so many of us, we transformed.

This weekend, we are coming together one last time to share inspiration, songs and gratitude for shared values. All last three calls were brimming with sacred joy, and we'd love to have you join this closing call, broaden our circle of love, and help spread the ripples of goodwill into all directions! Please RSVP below to join our closing call.

Alongside stories from everyday heroes of interfaith and compassion, we're also honored to host two renowned interfaith pioneers! Rev. Heng Sure is one of the senior-most Western Buddhist monks alive, and also was on the founding team of United Religions Initiative; while he's most known for his jaw-dropping 3-steps-one-bow peace pilgrimage for 800 miles, it is his storytelling and music that leave a lasting impression! Sister Lucy's work of compassion touches tens of thousands of people every single day, as the tagline of her organization reads: Always Room for One More  When asked, "There's so much suffering in the world. You can't possibly help everyone?" She responded, "Whenever God shows me a need, I serve. My formula is simple -- for every thirst, God provides water. That much faith I have. :) If a need is shown to me, another door of resources will be opened elsewhere. I never worry about whether I can support a child, or how big or small the need is. That's not my job. I'm just an instrument."

To join us, simply click the RSVP button below and you'll be emailed all the call logistics  (and also see it on the screen). If timezone conflicts made this hard to join, you can still RSVP to receive the call recording.

Thank you for cultivating this sacred context of universal values!