Me To We: 1-day Pune Retreat

In India, when we meet and part, we often say, ‘Namasté’, which means: I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides; I honor the place in you of love, of light, of truth, of peace. I honor the place within you where, if you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us. – Ram Dass

The world’s longest study on happiness reveals that the quality of our relationships is the most important determinant of our happiness. Quantum science confirms what sages have long maintained: we are fundamentally inter-connected. However, in a "me"-oriented culture, we are rapidly losing our ability to live in alignment with this truth and build thriving relationships.

In 2009, the word “unfriend” entered the dictionary and was declared Oxford’s "word of the year." Last year, a major study revealed that 2 billion people globally are so dissatisfied with their communities that they wouldn’t recommend them to anyone.

Market-driven technologies lure us with cheap solutions like the “metaverse” and “artificial intimacy” to fill this void. But can we collectively forge a deeper pathway to rediscover that “place of love and light in which we are one”? How would our institutions (schools, businesses, NGOs, government, media & technology) look like if we led from that place -- not with certainty of transactions but with emergent relationships?

On June 29th, some of us will be gathering at our building clubhouse in Wanowrie, Pune, to collective experiment in that direction, to foster a shift from "me" to "we",  and rekindle the beauty of our shared humanity.  

Date: June 29th, 9:30AM - 9:30PM
VenueWanowrie, Pune.  

We invite you to join this experiential day-long retreat designed with a holistic head-hands-heart approach, offered as a pay-it-forward gift. Together, we hope to evoke the sacred amidst the ordinary -- by deeply listen to each other’s stories, reflect on practical challenges and engage in random acts of kindness in the city -- to co-create a whole greater than sum of parts.  

For more context, refer to our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any other questions, write to us here. To allow for in-depth engagement, we intend to limit our gathering to thirty participants, and we give preference to those engaged in local service projects.

Once you RSVP, we will share an application form for you to fill in. Post this, someone from the volunteer team will get back to you shortly. We look forward to co-creating our sacred field of emergence. 

In service, 

Vinit, Saee and many other volunteers