ServiceSpace Community Table, at Karma Kitchen in March!
On the last Sunday of the month, we host Karma Kitchen at a restaurant in Berkeley -- it's a great space of joy, enthusiasm and abundant generosity that seems to facilitate deeper connections.

In addition to the traditional KK community table, we've also started holding space for a ServiceSpace community table.  On this table, the conversations center around synergies with existing projects, designs of new projects that lead with inner-transformation and innovations that support a broader gift-ecology in our society.

This month, we'll be joined by some out-of-town visitors (like Johannes and Elise from Austria!) as well as various locals, like Nipun Mehta and Birju Pandya of Work+T!

If you'd like to join this table on Sunday, Mar 25th at 11:30AM, do RSVP below and we'll email you the details. (Note: this is not a sign-up for volunteering; you can do that on the KK website.)