my pay it forward experiment

amparo lega, Mar 31, 2021 in Laddership Pod, Feb 2021

Dear all, I want to share with you all, my recent experience with this pay-it-forward methodology. I am now participating in the local market of Slow Food here in Bogotá Colombia, where I used to sell ghee, and this Sunday I started selling plants, so I decided that the best way to honor our previous experience and learnings from the laddership pod, I was going to try this pay it forward method with the plants. and it was really amazing. I offer the option to the first guy that reaches me interested in the plants, so after talking a lot about plants and before he asks me how much do they cost, I exposed the pay it forward model as an experiment of allowing the gift economy to emerge, so at last, he surprised me giving an amount of money with the condition that a give the plant he chooses to anyone else that comes after him, because he wouldn´t be able to take care of the plant. so technically he starts this generosity chain! and after that not only I start selling plants, but I got the attention of other producers I am sure they will join this way soon.