AI inspired Slovak National Values Report

In a brief, bonus video, Phil Clothier shares a bit about the use of CompassionGPT to inspire a hopeful report on the Slovak National Values Assessment. "Who are we? What do we experience now? What do we want that to be? And we can give that [information] to AI to help us, and guide us in our humanity, to go through this moment of deep transformation" said Phil.

Watch the full video clip here.

Physician Empathy Tied To Better Outcomes For Chronic Pain Patients: Study

A new study published last month in Jama Network’s open access journal showed significantly better outcomes for patients treated by empathetic physicians who addressed their unique needs. Over the course of twelve months, these patients also experienced much less pain and suffering.

Read the full story here.

KindSpring Community Roundup.

People around the world engage in every day acts of kindness. Below is a small sampling of recent stories from our KindSpring community...

lewski711: I Was Going To Donate  "I was going to donate to a GoFundMe that was close to my heart, but I had an unexpected opportunity to donate to one even closer..." Read more.

Helenconnell2: Today, I Worked On Self-Care  "Today, I worked on caring for myself. I bought some yarn in October to make a short sleeve jumper..." Read more.

cheeka: Support The School Fees Of A Girl  My wife is an amazing supporter of education for girls and people in low income families. She wanted to sponsor the primary school fees for a girl..." Read more.

Frozone: I Created a Card For My Teacher   "I created a card for a teacher who spreads so much kindness and joy in her classroom. I needed her to know that she is appreciated..." Read more.

We Need To Rewild The Internet

In a recent essay, technologists Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon describe the “extractive and fragile monoculture” of the modern-day internet. Drawing a line from 18th century forestry practices to equivalencies in technology today, the authors noted, "When we simplify complex systems, we destroy them, and the devastating consequences sometimes aren’t obvious until it’s too late”.

Like ecologists, they suggest taking a whole-systems approach – one that incorporates intellect and emotion; checks and balances; competition and diversity.

"Ecologists also know how to keep going when others first ignore you and then say it’s too late, how to mobilize and work collectively, and how to build pockets of diversity and resilience that will outlast them, creating possibilities for an abundant future they can imagine but never control. We don’t need to repair the internet’s infrastructure. We need to rewild it."

Read the full article here.

With French Under Fire, Mali Uses AI To Bring Local Language To Students

As tensions grow between Mali and its former colonial ruler, France, efforts to elevate native languages like Bambara, are growing. One start-up, RobotsMali, has used AI to create nearly 150 children's books in Bambara in the last year. Rather than simply translate existing books, the team takes care to ensure the books reflect the lives of Malians.

There is also the potential for a wider benefit through these tech advancements. Asmelash Teka Hadgu, co-founder of technology start-up Lesan, said, “If it is done right, the potential in terms of democratizing access to education is enormous”.

Read the full story here.

Karma Kitchen Madrid Debuts

Karma Kitchen, a global volunteer-driven experiment in generosity, recently made its debut in Madrid and featured a multicultural feast of flavors from Equatorial Guinea, the Middle East, Colombia, Spain, India, Chile and Morocco. The generosity of heart-centered volunteers and diners alike created feelings of happiness and gratitude.

Read the full article here.

Insights from YodaBot

On a recent call exploring the latest experiments in ServiceSpace AI, Reverend Bonnie Rose shared her insights using YodaBot to engage more deeply in the proces of crafting her interfaith sermons. Rev. Bonnie asked, "Is it cheating to ask my Bot to write a sermon?"

Listen to her full reflection in the video clip here.


From Me To We: True Love Is A Process Of Humility by Thich Nhat Hanh

A community of people walking together on a spiritual path has a great deal of strength; its members are able to protect each other, to help each other in every aspect of the practice, and to build the strength of the community.  There are many things that are very difficult for us to do on our own, but when we live together as community, they become easy and natural. We do them without growing tired or making a strenuous effort. The community has a collective energy. Without this energy, the practice of individual transformation is not easy. When we live together in community it becomes a body, and each one of us is a cell in that body. If we are not part of the community body, we will be isolated, hungry, and needy, and we will not have a suitable environment for practice. We can visualize the community body as ... [Read more]

Seed questions for reflection: How do you relate to the notion that community building is the most precious work a monk, nun or layperson can do? Can you share a personal story of a time you were able to appreciate the insight and vision of the collective body of the community? What helps you build awareness that you are a cell in the community body?

Dancing with the Enemy

"I wonder if you all will find the courage to step out onto the dance floor and to dance with those who are our enemies," says Rev. Chaz Howard, as he invites us to look beyond our differences and tap into a space of being human. A soulful presence, the youngest ever chaplain of an Ivy League university narrates the heart-warming experience of his students from different religious settings coming together in service, and how, 20 years later, one of them is still willing to give that magic of dancing a try in today's times. [Read more ...]

A Celebration + Smile Cards

A couple friends of ServiceSpace recently shared news of their joyful wedding celebration. During the reception, the service-hearted couple offered their loved ones Smile Cards with the inspiring intention to "spread the gift that keeps on giving".





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