This week's Awakin reading is by adrienne maree brown titled 'Organizing With Love':

My favorite life forms right now are dandelions and mushrooms—the resilience in these structures, which we think of as weeds and fungi, the incomprehensible scale, the clarity of identity, excites me. I love to see the way mushrooms can take substances we think of as toxic, and process them as food, or that dandelions spread not only themselves but their community structure, manifesting their essential qualities (which include healing and detoxifying the human body) to proliferate and thrive in a new environment. The resilience of these life forms is that they evolve while maintaining core practices that ensure their survival. A mushroom is a toxin-transformer, a dandelion is a community of healers waiting to spread… What are we as humans, what is our function in the universe? One thing I have observed: When we are engaged in acts of love, we humans are at our best and most resilient. The love in ... [Read more]

Seed questions for reflection: What does organizing with love mean to you? Can you share a personal story of a time when the goal of your work was to increase the love instead of winning or dominating an opponent? What helps you go deeper in your relationships?