Touching stories from our KindSpring community ...

Mindyjourney: Catch Up 🕊️
Hello, kind friends! We are back from our winter Texas recharge. Grateful for every moment and memory. Attended the Whooping Crane Fest and saw over a dozen of the highly endangered birds! Enjoyed a lecture by George Archibald, co-founder of the International Crane Foundation  [Read more here...]

Tulikaruchi: Moving From Deficiency to Offerings
Spoke to my cousin for 3 hours. He is going through a difficult breakup and his anxiety was acting up. Through the conversation, helped him feel things he was not allowing himself to feel but also shift  [Read more here...]

Rajni: Three Days Of Kindness ...
Three days of Kindness (March 19-21, 2024) Gave some quote cards , Sri Ram’s photos to Utthan. Gave some quote cards, Shri Ram Photos and positive thinking books to my Divine sister. Again, made and gave shiro for sick old lady At the bank, kept door open for customers  [Read more here...]