Crafting Your Own ServiceSpaceBot :)
In launching various bots, we repeatedly find ourselves at the intersection of rich, nuanced inquiries -- that often don't lend themselves to easy answers! It's beautiful. :) For instance, how do we cultivate a data field that includes as many definitions of compassion as possible, even if they're opposed to each other? More broadly, just like we cover in the Laddership Pod, how do we draw balances across unending dialectics -- self-care and self-sacrifice, grit and surrender, emergency and emergence, and so on.

That led us to ask -- can we create a version of ServiceSpaceGPT for each Service Fellow? Turns out the answer is yes. :) That is, you can create a bot with ServiceSpace dataset, but with your own instructions of the values you care about, in the proportion that you care about them. Our sense is that each of those individual experiments will create a unique kind of collective emergence, that might inform the innovative designs we co-create for our future.

Doing this requires writing a "credo", a series of system instructions for the bot, your "Ten Commandments" of sorts. :) From past experience, this is a fantastic introspective exercise -- even beyond any tech ramifications. However, we've noticed that is helpful to have a bit more context and some initial hand-holding to write this credo -- and hence this call!

Manu will be hosting an intimate call to dive further into this -- if you're in, RSVP below for this 60-90 minute call and you'll be emailed all the logistical details. In addition, we'll also set up your own bot that you can experiment with.