Video Clips: ServiceSpace AI: Latest Experiments!
Call Welcome

Call Welcome


Marilyn gives us an overview of the call to come!

Planet Called Home

Planet Called Home


A touching song by Holly Near.

Nipun: AI + Heart Intelligence

Nipun: AI + Heart Intelligence


A look at ServiceSpace AI -- then, now, and onwards!

Bonnie: YodaBot Insights

Bonnie: YodaBot Insights


Rev. Bonnie Rose explores where the sacred meets AI.

Rick: The BatGap Bot

Rick: The BatGap Bot


Rick Archer shares updates on AI interactions with over 100K files from 15+ years of BatGap podcasts.

Victor: How Intentions Drive AI

Victor: How Intentions Drive AI


Victor Koo: "AI is inherently agnostic -- neither good nor bad. But without proper intentions ... humanity will likely apply it to our lowest common denominator"

Preeta: Social Design For AI

Preeta: Social Design For AI


Preeta asks what AI could look like with regenerative social designs and heart intelligence.

Reinaldo: Invoking The Sacred

Reinaldo: Invoking The Sacred


Reinaldo grounds us with a stirring drum offering.

Intro To Breakouts

Intro To Breakouts


Together, we reflect, "In exploring the evolutionary arc of AI, what helps you keep the sacred at the center?"

Peter: Global Brain To Global Mind

Peter: Global Brain To Global Mind


Witnessing the rise of AI since the 1960s, Peter offers the latest from his lens.

Jeff: New Thinking Allowed

Jeff: New Thinking Allowed


Reflections from Jeffrey's bot experiments.

Bonus: Slovakia National Values

Bonus: Slovakia National Values


Phil Clothier shares ripples from CompassionGPT-inspired report with Slovakia government policy.

Closing Benediction

Closing Benediction


Song from Wakanyi: We are marching in the light of the divine.