ServiceSpace AI: Latest Experiments!

On April 27th, ServiceSpace community is convening for a call around AI + Wisdom. If you are interested in ServiceSpace values, have been tracking ServiceSpace AI, and/or are interested in this curious intersection of modern times, please RSVP for the call below.

Some context ... in early 2023, ServiceSpace AI launched an experimental  "Compassion Bot" based on its decades of curated data; we further gifted our technology to various authors and spiritual teachers from Sharon Salzberg to Peter Russell to Jem Bendell. Then, various "Community Bots" emerged, like Indigenous Bot to Cancer Bot to BatGap Bot. And finally, various individuals started creating "Yoda Bots", where personal users created their own mentor bots for personal mentoring and co-authoring content from books to policy papers. We built up a global narrative around AI + Heart Intelligence, held in-person retreats in various countries, and laid out the plans for building a "decelerator". With a scalable technical infrastructure and lots of in-house agentic tools, we cultivated experiential insights into the possibilities and pitfalls of AI + Wisdom. (Read more.)

Below are some of the open inquiries that we hope to get into, on the call: 

  • VALUES: how do we lead with intrinsic motivations, beyond money, power and impact? You'll hear some experiential insights into how those core values profoundly affect the designs we create, and its subsequent ripples.

  • TECHNOLOGY: what backend technology are we using, from RAG to fine-tuned models? Is open-source better than commercial? As LLM's head towards small language models, members of our Tech Crew will share updates on the break-neck speed of AI innovation and what trends feel promising for our purposes.

  • DATA COMMONS: through our pilot experiments, we've trained our bots on about half a terabyte of data and thousands of Q&A. What emergent layer of value shows up when those vertical, small data sets get connected? We'll hear from a few users who have created their own "Yoda Bots", and created some uncommon ripples.

  • APPLICATIONS: various Bot Hosts will share experiences of what they're learning from their micro user communities on the platform. Moreover, you'll hear from ServiceSpace coordinators about how AI agents reshuffle the spectrum of "getting stuff done"  vis a vis cultivating volunteer opportunities.  We'll also share a bit of our vision for the upcoming decelerator, to flesh out more AI + Wisdom apps!

  • VOLUNTEER COMMUNITY: around the world, people are dying to contribute non-financial resources, and there's ample need for it in the world; yet, that hand-shake between resources and needs remains elusive. Can AI support this possibility? How can AI be used in a way that supports inner transformation? How do we build a Wikipedia-like community that helps in the co-creation of future AI's? Seasoned veterans of the volunteer world will share their insights.

If these questions and experiments resonate with you, we would be delighted to have you join this 90-minute call. After that call, we also anticipate staying in touch via smaller, distributed circles and build more collective intelligence around AI + Wisdom.

To join, simply RSVP below and you'll get an email with the specific details. (If the time doesn't work for your timezone, please RSVP to receive the recording of the call.)