Every month, we send a roundup of inspiration from around the ecosystem. Below are some of the recent newsletters. To subscribe, signup here. Thank you for your friendship in service!

Interfaith Compassion

Sep 2024

Starting around 9/11, a daily prompt from a unique faith, with 'heart' prayer, 'head' readings, and a 'hands' act of service.

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Sing Your Song

June 2024

New Story Challenge, and lots of new stories emerging around the globe.

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Social Permaculture

Feb 2024

Stories from Gandhi 3.0, Laddership Pod, and a new blog!

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Live From Gandhi Ashram

Jan 2024

An special evening of inspiration, broadcast live from Gandhi 3.0 retreat!

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What Would Love Do?

Nov 2023

Retreats in India, coming this winter.

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Interfaith Challenge Returns + AI!

Sep 2023

Theologans and engineers are asking the same questions these days.

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New Story + ServiceSpaceGPT

July 2023

What's a new story and how do we stay related in an AI world?

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Climate Action

April 2023

An upcoming 21-day challenge around deep ecology. Plus Politics + Heart!

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Dancing with Emergence

March 2023

Laddership Pod, to creativitely balance outer innovation with inner transformation. Plus tidbits. :)

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Be The Wrapping

Feb 2023

As we reach the end of content creation, a uniquely human question emerges: how will we circulate context?

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Seed Bank and Three Pods

Oct 2022

Call on Gandhi's birthday, three upcoming pods and inspiring video clips.

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An Infinite Game

July 2022

Universe's first selfie, welcoming stranger as your own, and upcoming Laddership Pod.

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Heart That Breaks Open

June 2022

A call around gifts of grief, clips of compassion, and more.

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Sanctuary of the Heart

April 2022

A space where, like the redwoods, we might intertwine our roots, and our branches and trunks could nourish an entire ecology of the sacred.

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The Untold Story

April 2022

People are 25% kinder than pre-pandemic. And plus 4 ripple circles and Living Dying Pod.

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Songs and Prayers for Ukraine

March 2022

A global, multi-faith sacred space for peace in Ukraine.

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Three Serendipities ...

Feb 2022

Three ripples from the last month flow into three powerful conversations.

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Feb 2022

Priceless works at the speed of love. Plus our first Mystical Music Pod.

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New Year, New Practices.

Dec 2021

Two new pods, 41 thousand volunteer hours, and 26 stories from our intern.

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Metta Verse

Dec 2021

Why? Because metta. Upcoming Pods. And Buddha at the Gas Pump.

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21-Day Challenge (+ Law of Love)

Sept 2021

An interfaith challenge plus new website inspired by Gandhi's Law of Love.

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Laddership Pod

August 2021

Plus five uncommon leaders asking five profound questions.

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Gratitude Without a Cause

June 2021

Four pods, seven interns, and a lots of reasons to be grateful.

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Richness of Resilience

May 2021

We invite you to three unique conversations in three continents: bowing, folktales, hospice.

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Prayers for India

May 2021

In response to India's utterly devastating and heartbreaking surge of coronavirus, global friends are coming together for an interfaith circle this Sunday.

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Whole Greater Than Sum of the Parts

Apr 2021

Coming together isn't enough. Beauty emerges when we knit the sacred into our being, such that my virtue folds into yours along an inseparable fabric of creativity.

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Context For Our Content

Feb 2021

When generosity graces our interactions, everything changes.

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Deepcasting, in a Broadcast World

Jan 2021

Anticipating zoom fatigue, we orchestrated new ways to cultivate deeper ties.

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Ace up our Sleeves: Context over Content

December 2020

Blossoming of an innovative platform at the intersection of silicon tech, carbon intuition, and eternal wisdom

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Emerging Dawn

October 2020

Loads of new pods and dialogues.

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150 Changemakers, 1 Laddership Pod!

September 2020

Coming together for the alchemy of uncertainty.

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Conversation with Systems Thinkers

June 2020

Exploring Rumi's field beyond 'right-doing and wrong-doing', via weekly+ Awakin Calls.

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War Story or Love Story?

May 2020

In times of emergency, how do we stay connected to emergence?

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Uncertainty as a Bridge to Compassion

March 2020

Everything is changing radically. How do we respond with compassion? KarunaVirus!

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